Saturday, December 13, 2008

Great Balls of Fire

Below is a short clip of some of the bolas de fuego action in Tactic. Hopefully, when time permits, I’ll put together an extended version of the footage. This clip includes one of the numerous times I got hit with a fireball. When I turned around to see a flaming bola on the ground is because I got pegged in the back with it.


ashleigh said...

Kate, that is awesome! But why are they kicking fire? And is this a tradition you will bring back to the States with you? Please? Please?

B. said...

I have no idea why this is a tradition in Tactic. I asked tons of people in town why they have the bolas de fuego and the response always was, "It is a tradition." I would say, "I know it is a tradition, but why," to which they would respond, "It's just a tradition." It was a circular conversation that always got me absolutely nowhere.

I would love to bring the bolas de fuego back to the states, but I am afraid I would be put in jail for it:)

B. said...

Am I included in that idiots comment?:)