Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Greasy Christmas

The Municipal Office of Culture and Sports sponsored an afternoon of children’s activities for Christmas. Besides the staple crowd pleasers of busting piñatas and sack races, there were also two other interesting events: a contest to catch a greased piglet with a string of fireworks tied to its hind leg and a contest to climb a greased pole to grab the prize money attached on top.

Nothing says Christmas like a tub of lard and dangerous activities for the kiddies.

Even though the piglet was nearly dismembered as the children fought to win it, and I had to catch a small boy who fell off the greased pole, neither child nor animal was injured during the course of the day’s events. ¡Gracias a Dios! But if this had taken place in the states, I am sure lawsuits by angry parents and PITA would currently be impending.

The greased pig.

The mayor with the winner of the greased pig.

Attaching Q500 ($66) to the top of a greased pole.

Team effort to reach the money.

Stuck on a greased pole.

The final attempt before nightfall.

1 comment:

mosiah montoya said...

You live in a strange part of Guatemala. I suppose I am trying to say that I am jealous.