Friday, May 16, 2008

Volunteer Stealing

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your evacuated volunteers yearning to live in safety,
The wretched refuse of Guatemala.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

-The Poqomchi’ Speaking Area of Alta Verapaz

This is certainly not a laughing matter (but making light of serious situations is the way we deal in Peace Corps), but another volunteer was recently evacuated from her site and placed here in Alta Verapaz. In complete contrast to my sitemate’s evacuation from Fray, which revolved around accusations of child stealing, this volunteer, Marissa, was actually the one who was “stolen.” Someone stole her phone and then later used it (with a group of men) to repeatedly call her mom to say they had kidnapped her. Her mom was obviously distraught and called Peace Corps Washington. Peace Corps Washington called Peace Corps Guatemala. Peace Corps Guatemala called Marissa’s sitemate. Marissa’s sitemate called another volunteer who was with Marissa at the time. About 2 hours after the kidnapping calls went out to Marissa’s mom, and only 15 minutes after the phone chain started, Marissa was found safe and sound and not kidnapped.

So after nearly a year of working and living in her site, Marissa was uprooted and moved across the country by Peace Corps as a precaution for her safety. Fully aware of how much time and effort it takes to make small strides here, I know this transition of picking up and completely starting over has been and will continue to be an extremely difficult one for her. But I also know that if anyone in my group is hard-working and strong enough to overcome this setback and capable to make a positive lasting effect on a new community in just a year, it is Marissa.

I know this is certainly not the ideal situation for you, Marissa, but I am happy you are here. In Peace Corps, we are family, and the volunteers of Alta Verapaz welcome you with open arms.

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