Saturday, July 12, 2008


Below is a hypothetical conversation between two Guatemala Peace Corps Volunteers. Sadly (for any future job prospects or simply coherent speech), this is how we really talk…

PCV 1: “I saw the funniest bolo last night, but I didn’t have any saldo so I couldn’t tell you about it.”

PCV 2: “Why didn’t you aprovechar of the triple día yesterday?”

PCV 1: “Saber. Tal vez, because I was in a capacitación with my alcalde all day at the muni.”

PCV 2: “Hey, did you hear that a ladrón stole 300Q from Tom yesterday? He was on a camioneta on the way to Chimalt.”

PCV 1: “De veras? That sucks. Do you have any more chisme?”

PCV 2: “Nada. I’ve got to run. I need to platicar with my APCD about a taller I putting on mañana.”

PCV 1: “Pues, I have to prepare for a charla too. Here’s some dinero for the cuenta. Cabal?”

PCV 2: “Yeah. Cabal. Later.”

PCV 1: “Nos vemos.”


Anonymous said...


I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at this post! It is unfortunately exactly how you guys sound.


B. said...

...and it is only getting worse:)

Jenna said...

hello people? you're inventing a new language! it's called vision.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey...It is the P-H-A-C-E!!! I've been very bad at posting, but I always read your well written and contrived blog. It looks like you are finding your stride and enjoying your time WAY down south. Keep it up and stay classy, Kathyrn! RC