Friday, December 14, 2007

En fuego

It was divine design that I was placed to serve in a country that dedicates an entire day to setting things on fire.

December 7th here in Guatemala is “El diá del diablo” (the Day of the Devil) or “Quema del diablo” (Burn of the Devil). The people pile up things no longer needed or useful and burn them in the streets, symbolically representing ridding their houses of evil. After sunset Tactic was filled with smoke and the noise of fireworks (the staple Guatemalan celebratory instrument) as the Tactiqueños burnt the devil out of their homes.

In celebration of the day, I bought a devil piñata that had a striking resemblance to Fidel Castro. After taking pictures of him in various poses (riding my bicycle, reading a book, climbing the ladder to the roof), my host family and I wrapped him with a belt of fireworks, hung him on the neighbor’s gate (their idea) and set fire to him. The gringa’s flaming/exploding devil brought onlookers from the whole street.

Although with all the fires and fireworks, I must say, I was a bit disappointed in the festivities. There was talk of setting a man dressed as the devil on fire in the park that never came to pass, and the customary practice of young men throwing balls of fire at each other also did not take place. I suspect the celebration was tamed down this year given the previous year an errant firework landed in the store of fireworks housed alongside the municipal building setting off a massive explosion that burnt the side of the building and caused extensive smoke damage inside. At least the muni was sufficiently cleansed of the devil.

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