Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ironies & Observations

A country that was once a “banana republic” is now home to Banana Republic clothing factories.

It makes you lose trust in the authorities when they are the ones who whistle and honk as they drive past.

If the Guatemalans think a bus is being driven to erratically to board, their caution should be heeded.

Never buy a dog in the market. You’ll most likely end up having to tranquilize it to death to put it out of its sickly misery. Just ask Marissa.

A store in Tactic that sells pirated CDs and DVDs has a sign that reads, “God bless this business and all those that shop here.”

I brought a pair of dry clean only pants. They are dirty now and I can’t wash them. Bringing them wasn’t a very good idea.

If you see a damp spot next to a wall or bushes, it is most likely urine (human or canine) and should be avoided.

Never give your trash to someone who kindly offers to take it on a bus. He will only throw it out the window.

Consuming “copious amounts of mold” is not good for your digestive health. Another lesson learned courtesy of Marissa.

In the town where I lived during training whose patron saint is Doubting Thomas, the slogan on the football stadium reads “Hasta no ver, no creer”.

“Ahorita” actually means anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour from now.

There is not a book, magazine, or shoe in my possession that isn’t smeared with goo from smashing bugs in my room.

The middle right side of a camioneta is the best place to sit. It is least likely to be ripped off in the event of a collision.

Whatever it is, it’s probably not just dirt.


Dorothy Rice said...

My Spanish is very weak - what does "Hasta no ver, no creer" mean?

Unknown said...

I'm a Guatemalan and I was living in San Pedro Carcha, but now I'm living in Nashville, TN, and I want to say that every thing you said in your post, IS TRUE, after living a few years in the United States i see my country and understand How Special people we are, Jajajaja, thanks a lot.

Jenna said...

great post! cracked me up.

B. said...

"Hasta no ver..." is basically the equivalent of the saying in English, "I'll believe it when I see it."

I hear you guys hired the new Kate Griffin. That's weird.

Dorothy Rice said...

It is totally weird! Good thing she goes by Katie.

Unknown said...

This reminded me of a blog entry from a gringo that was working in Cobán until a few months ago. It's pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Great post, thanks for the observations. It makes your every day world seem a little more real.